INCS awards two essay prizes and several travel grants each year:
- The Richard Stein Essay Prize
- The Susan Morgan Graduate Student Essay Prize
- The Chris Vanden Bossche Graduate Student Travel Award
The Richard Stein Essay Prize
The INCS Essay Prize, originally established in 2003, was named the Richard Stein Essay Prize in 2017 in honor of Richard Stein, Professor Emeritus at the University of Oregon, for his role as a principal founder of INCS and for his long and crucial service to developing and nurturing our organization. In 1985 he recognized something we now take for granted: the need for a collaborative organization devoted to the interdisciplinary study of the nineteenth century. His books and articles as well as his teaching at Harvard, Berkeley, and Oregon have focused on the connections among Victorian literature, visual culture, and other arts. Some publications include Victoria’s Year: English Literature and Culture, 1837-1838 (Oxford University Press, 1987); The Ritual of Interpretation: The Fine Arts as Literature in Ruskin, Rossetti, and Pater (Harvard University Press, 1975); “Illustrating Bleak House” in Approaches to Teaching Dickens’s Bleak House, ed. John Jordan and Gordon Bigelow (MLA, 2008); “National Portraits,” in Victorian Prism, ed. James Buzard, Joseph Childers & Eileen Gillooly (University of Virginia Press, 2007); “John Ruskin,” in the Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literary History (2006); “Dickens and Illustration,” in The Cambridge Companion to Dickens, ed. John Jordan (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
This $500 prize recognizes excellence in interdisciplinary scholarship on any nineteenth-century topic. We encourage INCS members to submit their own work and to nominate essays written by other scholars of the nineteenth-century. To be eligible for the prize, authors must be current members of INCS. If potential contestants are not current members of INCS, they may become members at the time that they apply for the prize. Membership is always for the calendar year.
The winning essay and runner up will be announced in late October or early November, 2024, and celebrated at the 2025 INCS conference in Genoa, Italy. In addition to the $500 prize, the winner of the Stein prize be invited to assemble a panel for the 2025 meeting.
Please send a copy of the nominated essay (pdf preferred) to Professor Nancy Rose Marshall, University of Wisconsin, at [email protected]. The 2024 Stein Prize deadline is July 15, 2024. In the case of an essay that appeared only online, a durable link is acceptable in lieu of a pdf. Click for more info: INCS Stein Prize Announcement 2024
Guidelines and Eligibility Rules for the Competition
- Only current INCS members are eligible for the current competition. Membership is for the calendar year.
- Articles that appeared in print in a journal or collection in the relevant year are eligible. If the date of publication is not in that year, but the article appeared in that year, it is eligible. Essays published in online, peer-reviewed journals are considered to be “in print,” and are thus eligible.
- The essay must make a significant contribution to the field of nineteenth-century studies.
- Current INCS board members are not eligible for this competition.
- Former INCS board members are not eligible until five years have elapsed since their board service.
- Scholars who are not yet INCS members but wish to have their essays considered may join INCS for the year of the essay’s nomination up until approximately a week before judging commences.
Specific questions about the 2024 Richard Stein Essay Prize may be directed to Professor Nancy Rose Marshall, University of Wisconsin, [email protected].
INCS Stein Prize Winner 2023
Winner: Trish Bredar, “‘A Voyage of Discovery’: Reimagining the Walking Woman through Nineteenth-Century Diaries.” Victorian Literature and Culture vol. 50, no. 4 (2022), pp. 609-38.
Theories of how pedestrians in the Nineteenth Century interacted with their environments powerfully inform the ways in which literary scholars and art historians interpret works from this period. In “‘A Voyage of Discovery’: Reimagining the Walking Woman through Nineteenth-Century Diaries,” Trish Bredar radically undermines dominant conceptualizations of female mobility. She argues that our current understanding of physical mobility in prior centuries is based largely on men’s experiences and on readings of Rousseau, Wordsworth, Thoreau, Benjamin, and de Certeau. In making this case, she builds on the work of feminist scholars, “who have done much to expose the gender disparities that shape the way that people physically navigate the world.” However, she challenges the popular idea that female mobility was “marginal or transgressive.” Bredar draws on a corpus of over a hundred manuscript diaries in which women document their attitudes toward strolls and outings. Based on this grass-roots approach, she proposes abandoning rather than adapting the male-inspired model of le flâneur. She advocates replacing it with “new paradigms of mobility that emerge from women’s experience.” By providing insights into “how women practiced, conceptualized, and narrated their pedestrian mobility,” this article invites scholars to rethink their understandings of perspective, embodiment, and agency in literature and artistic representations from this period.
Runner Up #1: Mary Bowden, “Cultivating Arboreal Time in Hardy’s Fiction,” Dibur Literary Journal 11 (2022), pp. 89-100.
In “Cultivating Arboreal Time in Hardy’s Fiction,” Mary Bowden examines how the novels Under the Greenwood Tree and The Woodlanders counterpoint the timescales and rhythms of human lives and the lives of trees. Richly situated in wider critical conversations about Hardy, ecology, and the natural world, Bowden’s compelling and well written essay advances these discussions with ingenious analyses of how the novels incorporate Hardy’s knowledge of practices such as coppicing and pollarding. Through these silvicultural methods, a tree might live on indefinitely, sending out fresh shoots again and again from its stump, remaining always in a state of growth and development. Bowden shows how the characters in these works too are attracted to the promise of a life of recursive youth and renewal. Such dreams must prove illusory, but with the juxtaposition of biotemporal patterns, cadences, and scales, Hardy—like Bowden—demonstrates the power of incorporating the time of trees into the human form of the novel.
Runner Up #2: Aisha Motlani, “Architecture as Enemy: Felice Beato’s Photographs of Lucknow.” Oxford Art Journal vol. 44, no. 3 (2021; published in April 2022), pp. 419-44.
Analyzing the work of war photographer Felice Beato in 1857 India, Aisha Motlani’s “Architecture as Enemy” offers compelling insights into the weaponization of popular forms (the souvenir photograph, for example) in imperial battle. As Motlani illustrates, the British had critiqued the perceived excesses, flourishes and hybridity of Lucknow architecture before 1857, their denigration operating as a thinly-veiled critique of India itself. In the aftermath of the 1857 rebellion, ideological and physical destruction coincided; targets of aesthetic critique became military targets. Motlani’s essay covers impressive and fascinating ground, introducing the reader to Nawabi architecture (“a distinctly eclectic architectural style that combined Indian, Persian, and European forms”), to Felice Beato’s strategies for staging and representing conquered territory, to the role of architecture in colonial domination, and to the conventions of nineteenth-century war photography.
Stein Prize committee 2023: Rebecca Stern (Chair), Richard Menke, and Darci Gardner.
The Susan Morgan Graduate Student Essay Prize
The Susan Morgan Graduate Student Essay Prize prize was established in honor of Susan Morgan, Distinguished Professor of English at Miami University, a prolific, interdisciplinary scholar of nineteenth-century literature and culture, and a longstanding member of INCS. Professor Morgan’s scholarship has shaped the interdisciplinary fields of women’s writing, travel writing, and empire studies—fields that are central to the work of many INCS scholars—and she has generously mentored countless graduate students and junior colleagues. Her selected publications include In the Meantime: Character and Perception in Jane Austen’s Fiction (Chicago, 1980); Sisters in Time: Imagining Gender in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction (Oxford, 1989); Place Matters: Gendered Geography in Victorian Women’s Travel Writings about Southeast Asia (Rutgers, 1996); and Bombay Anna: The Real Story and Remarkable Adventures of the King and I Governess (California, 2008).
Guidelines and Eligibility Rules
- The Susan Morgan prize is awarded annually, following each annual INCS conference. Papers will be evaluated by a panel of judges appointed by the INCS board.
- Eligible essays are by graduate student members of INCS and must be presented for discussion by the author at the INCS conference. Submissions may not exceed the length of 4,000 words (excluding notes, works cited, and translations). Essays over the word length will not be considered. Citation style should follow one of the usual humanities formats, usually Chicago or MLA.
- Essays are evaluated in their conference form. In other words, no additional revisions, expansions, or corrections are permitted following the submission of papers to the conference committee for posting on the conference site. Papers will be removed from the conference website for judging by the panel of judges following the conference.
- For 2019 and beyond, graduate students must designate the wish to have their papers considered for the prize by checking the appropriate box on the conference paper submission portal.
- Decisions will be announced each year during the fall semester that follows the conference, which is usually staged during the spring semester.
- The award is $500. The winner will also be invited to submit an expanded version of the paper to Nineteenth-Century Contexts, the INCS-affiliated peer-reviewed journal.
- The second-place paper will be awarded the designation “Honorable Mention.”
- Papers submitted after the due date for conference papers cannot be considered for the prize. The due date will be determined each year by the conference organizer.
- No judge will be permitted to assess his or her own work or to assess work submitted by anyone with whom the judge has worked closely.
- INCS reserves the right to award no prize in any given year.
Susan Morgan Prize 2023
Winner: Francesca Colonnese, “Slow Motion, Slow Time: Perceptual Events in “The Lady of Shalott”
Francesca Colonnese’s essay blazes a new and exciting trail between the disciplines of literary studies and cognitive science. Returning to Tennyson’s iconic poem ‘The Lady of Shalott,’ Colonnese demonstrates how the cognitive phenomenon of tachypsychia–the sensation that time slows down during periods of intense excitement or stress–helps to clarify questions of time and agency that have long divided critical discussions of the work. At the same time, Colonnese’s astute close readings forge a larger connection to time as a felt, subjective condition recoverable through verse form offers exciting possibilities for future studies. The readers were impressed with the essay’s clarity and sophistication.
Honorable Mention #1: Margaret Gray, “Forging an Economic Future? Female Victorian Travellers on the Industrialisation of the Antiquities Trade in Egypt and Japan, 1848-1880”
Margaret Gray’s ambitious and wide-ranging essay uses its geographically-comparative method to detail the specific and significant consequences of the narratives of Victorian women travelers in Egypt and Japan Turning attention away from people and toward objects–fake antiquities produced in Egypt and Japan for the export market– Gray shows, using close-reading and historical context, that the divergent appraisals of British women writers toward these manufactured artifacts justified larger political and economic assumptions about the two countries that ultimately shaped two very different colonial projects and revealed the prejudices lying beneath nineteenth-century international trade and economic policies –prejudices that helped shape narratives of global development that remain influential today. Gray’s project is exemplary of strong interdisciplinary research.
Honorable Mention #2: Hyunjoo Yu, “On a Train Out of Place: Railroad in Zitkala-ša’s Semi-Autobiographical Stories”
Hyunjoo Yu’s essay proposes exciting ways to bring feminist affect studies and critical race studies to bear on the infrastructures that underlay nineteenth-century experience around the globe. This innovative perspective on railway narratives uses the settler colonial’s train car as an entry point into an evocative study of the powerful affective framework of shame that engulfs Indigenous narrative generally and railway stories particularly. Yu’s work focuses on representations of railroads in the stories of the Yankton Dakota writer Zitkala-Ša, demonstrating how those stories unpack the complex, multilayered affects–comfort and shame, fascination and horror–that imperial technologies instilled in those racialized peoples cast as outsiders to the project of modernization. Yu’s essay helps us see how such technologies and their associated affects not only worked in the service of oppression and assimilation, but also offered unexpected sites of possibility and even resistance. The essay’s discussion of how shame, using railroad as an affective material of capitalistic-colonial object, entangles Native and Asian lives is particularly compelling. The essay proposes new avenues within sovereignty studies to investigate railroads and other modes of mobility as staging grounds for colonial re-inscriptions and holds meaningful potential to expand diverse yet understudied research on the “capitalistic-colonial mess,” which includes the Yellow Peril discourses, Indigenous relations, and U.S. settler colonialism.
Susan Morgan Prize Committee 2023: Jen Camden (Chair), Elizabeth Chang, John Miller, and Jiwon Min
Chris Vanden Bossche Graduate Student Travel Award
The Chris Vanden Bossche Graduate Student Travel Award was established in honor of Chris Vanden Bossche, the long-term and beloved Executive Director of INCS. Professor Vanden Bossche taught for many years at the University of Notre Dame, where he specialized in Victorian fiction and non-fiction prose. In 2014, he published a study of Victorian conceptions of how to produce social change entitled Reform Acts: Chartism, Social Agency, and the Victorian Novel, 1832-1867 (Johns Hopkins University Press). His many essays have dealt with family and class as represented in cookery books and David Copperfield, separate spheres and social reform in Ruskin, the idea of authorship in the copyright debates of 1837-1842, and “coming of age” in Victorian literature and culture. In addition, he has published essays on Tennyson, Scott, and other nineteenth-century subjects. He is also the author of a study of the intersections of political and literary authority, Carlyle and the Search for Authority (Ohio State University Press) and editor of Thomas Carlyle’s Historical Essays and Past and Present.
The Travel Award named after Professor Vanden Bossche provides small grants for graduate students to attend the annual INCS conference. Preference is generally given to students who must travel the farthest. For more information on the Chris Vanden Bossche Graduate Student Travel Award, please contact INCS Treasurer Abigail Mann.
To make a tax-deductible donation in support of any of these prizes, please click the “Donate” button below and indicate the name of the prize in the “Add comments to seller” field. Many thanks!